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Getting Started Making Toffee

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

In just FIVE EASY STEPS, you can learn what's needed to get started making toffee. If an experienced toffee maker had helped me make my first toffee batch, then I could have avoided a lot of trial and error over the years. That's what I would like to do for you.

1. EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST - Two silicone spatulas (large for stirring the toffee and small for stirring the chocolate), candy thermometer, one small pot, one large sauce pan, mixing bowls, measuring cups, measuring spoons, slab of marble or cookie sheet with wax paper, pizza cutter and cooling rack. Some of these items you may already have.

2. BUY GROCERIES - Use your favorite toffee recipe, don't forget the nuts! (optional).

3. MANAGE TIME - Set aside a couple of hours (from start to finish,) it will probably take you about that long. Letting people know what you're doing is a good idea too, because you'll need an uninterrupted block of time.

4. PREP KITCHEN - Set out mixing bowls, pans, spatulas, cooling rack, marble or cookie sheet. Attach the candy thermometer to the sauce pan at this point.

5. PRE-MEASURE INGREDIENTS - Use mixing bowls and measuring cups to stage ingredients in the order they're going to be used.

Add music, snacks and candles - you're all set for an enjoyable toffee making experience!

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1 Comment

Sep 15, 2023

Sounds delicious! I've made toffee for the holidays and love it but want to try yours and give yours as holiday gifts. Thank you!


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